Thursday, August 7, 2008

Eat Some Whey

Looking for a good dietary additive that's high in protien? Buy some whey. You can put these into your health shakes and a 10 lbs bag of the stuff is only about 65 dollars. This may seem like a lot but if you use it every day this should still last you about 3 to 4 months.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Grab a Can of Tuna

Tuna fish is cheap to buy canned plus it has the added benefit of being an excellent source of protein. There are some great healthy tuna fish recipes out there (check the food section here, maybe?). My only problem with tuna is basically our over-fishing of our oceans. Yep, I'm a "greeny". Check the Green Living portion of this site to find out more.

Eat some Eggs

We've all heard the old eggs and cholesterol myth. Yes, I did say "myth" because that's what it is. Eggs are actually pretty healthy for you as long as you don't fry them in 10 pounds of butter :). Of course, the easiest way to get the cheapest eggs is to buy your own chicken. That's another post in another area, though.

Water, the cheap way.

Tap water. You've heard so much about it and may not like it. However, compare it to a bottled water and you'll see the price difference awfully quick. You should think about switching to tap water. If you don't like the taste, believe it or not it's usually just a simple case of not having adapted to it yet. Drink enough times and you won't even notice anymore. Studies have shown that most tap water is as safe to drink as bottled water (check reports in your area).

Also, check out where your bottled water does come from if you do decide to stick with it. There are a whole lot of them that come from... you guessed it, the tap!

General Advice

Some general advice when you're looking for cheap, healthy alternatives. A good healthy diet will always have:

* Protein in it to build muscle, repair tissue, etc.
* Fat should have a balance of omega 3, 6, and 9.
* Veggies of all types, especially the green, leafy ones.
* Fruits are full of vitamins and "healthy" sugars.
* Water. D'uh. :)
* Whole grain foods, such as bread, pasta, etc...